Statistically and clinically relevant data for your ocular surface disease studies.

Around 4.88 million people suffer from dry eye disease (DED), an ocular surface disease, in the United States alone. When looked at from a societal perspective, dry eye disease costs the US society alone a staggering $55.4 billion. That’s $11,302 per patient per year. What few people realize is that untreated DED can eventually progress into corneal scarring and permanent vision loss.

At PharmaLegacy, we believe this is a price no one should have to pay. With our models and expertise, and your pipeline, ocular surface diseases might one day become another chapter in medical history books. Get in touch with our experts and let’s move your pipeline forward.

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Ocular Surface Disorders


Committed to quality:

  • 120,000 square feet of vivarium space
  • Capacity to run 200+ concurrent animal studies
  • 1000+ validated animal models of disease spanning 40+ diseases
  • Scientific staff with an average of over 15 years of experience in pharmacology

Work with a CRO that has deep experience in pharmacology. Work with PharmaLegacy.

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Top Pharmaceutical Companies Trust PharmaLegacy For Their Preclinical Ophthalmology Studies

Your preclinical ophthalmology studies call for flawless and affordable ophthalmology models. Download our Ophthalmology brochure and see how our models and decades of expertise can give you the clarity you need in your pipeline.

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