Clinically relevant pain models.

Nociceptive pain is characterized by a sharp, aching or throbbing sensation at the site of injury. It is caused by damage to body tissue, usually in the musculoskeletal system. Nociceptive tests have been used for decades now to evaluate the potency of different analgesics, both general and local. Nociception tests have certain limitations that are challenging to overcome, notably the validity of applying observed pain responses from animal to humans.[1]

Our team of experts at PharmaLegacy have spent over 15 years honing their skills and knowledge in pharmacology to ultimately provide your pipeline with the nociception test it needs. Our representatives are also available 24/7 in case you have any questions. Get in touch now!

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Pioneering healthcare solutions:

  • 24/7 access to PharmaLegacy representatives
  • Electronically managed, traceable research data
  • Capacity to house over 30,000 rodents and large animals
  • PK/PD, molecular pharmacology and preliminary toxicology adjacency studies

If you are looking for a CRO which can provide the necessary data to enable you to make critical decisions regarding your pipeline, you’ve come to the right place. Reach out to one of our experts and let’s discuss things further.

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