Novel bone repair models.
The biggest challenge faced when designing a bone repair model is making sure that it reflects both the physiology and the biomechanics of the specific human clinical scenario it is attempting to replicate. Take walking for example. The tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges add up to a total of 26 bones. These 26 bones have to work in perfect harmony with 33 joints, 107 ligaments, and 19 muscles for the average human being to take a single step.
The average orchestra has over 80 musicians synchronously playing in it. Imagine what would happen if a single violinist or cellist wouldn’t hit his note at the right tempo. The entire symphony would come crashing down due to a small imperfection in only one of the players. Unsurprisingly, this also applies to bones.
Our bone repair models at PharmaLegacy are specifically designed to ensure translatability to the clinical setting. After all, the smallest osseous imperfection can be all it takes to crash down the symphony that is the human body. Fill out the form, and get in touch with one of our experts now for more information on our bone repair models.

Seamless pipelines:
- Remote real-time monitoring of studies
- AAALAC and CNAS guidelines-adherent animal studies
- 120,000 square feet of vivarium space
- Electronically managed, traceable research datax
If robust efficacy is what you’re looking for in your pipelines, you’ve come to the right place. Get in touch now!
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