Arthritis Models

Critical arthritis studies call for the best in vivo models.

Arthritis is considered to be one of the most common ailments among prehistoric people. Thousands of years later, it still is one of humanity’s most common diseases, causing pain, disability, diminished productivity, and reduced quality of life for at least 4% of the global population. Despite the plethora of treatments available, most have significant undesirable side effects and as many as 10% of arthritis cases are still considered difficult-to-treat. This needs to change.

Your pipelines hold the promise of tomorrow’s treatments. PharmaLegacy is here to support you with the range of in vivo arthritis models that rigorous studies call for. We are ready to obtain the data you need, maintaining the highest standards of data integrity to support your critical arthritis pipeline decisions.

When your arthritis studies needs certainty, you can rely on PharmaLegacy.

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Models / Services

Below is a sample of the models we can provide.

Additional models and custom model development are available.

Case Study - RA Model and Endpoints Measurements

Adjuvant-induced Arthritis in Lewis Rats (AIA)

Aim: Examine the effect of meloxicam on adjuvant-induced arthritis in Lewis rats

Animal: Lewis Rats, male, 180-210g (used in experiment), Beijing Vital River Laboratory Animal Technology Co., Ltd.

Reagent: Mycobacterium Tuberculosis H37Ra: Difco. Paraffin oil: Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. Meloxicam: Boehringer-Ingelheim

Effect of Meloxicam on Clinical Score and Foot Volume

Ankle Pathology (H & E Staining, 100X)

Effect of Meloxicam on Clinical Sore and Foot Volume

With fully validated RA models and the state-of-art equipment,PharmaLegacy provides exceptional services for preclinical pharmacology studies of drug candidates for RA treatment, including:

  • Evaluation of therapeutic profile and potentials of the candidate compounds;
  • Proof of concept for early drug development;
  • Demonstration of differential regulation of disease progression and clinical symptoms;
  • Examination of anti-autoimmune disorders as well as anti-inflammatory effect such as T cell and B cell response, and cytokine/chemokine response;
  • Investigation of the mechanisms of immune tolerance induction.

Case Study - RA Model and Endpoints Measurements

Bovine Collagen II-induced Arthritis in Lewis Rats

X-Ray Examination of Hind Paws

Pathology of Hind Paws (Toluidine blue stain, 4X)

With fully validated RA models and the state-of-art equipment,PharmaLegacy provides exceptional services for preclinical pharmacology studies of drug candidates for RA treatment, including:

  • Evaluation of therapeutic profile and potentials of the candidate compounds;
  • Proof of concept for early drug development;
  • Demonstration of differential regulation of disease progression and clinical symptoms;
  • Examination of anti-autoimmune disorder as well as anti-inflammatory effect such as T cell and B cell response, and cytokine/chemokine response Investigation of the mechanisms of immune tolerance induction.

Collagen II-induced Arthritis (CIA) in Cynomolgus Monkey

Results: mRNA profile in CIA monkey

Results: Blood Biomarkers in CIA Monkey

Hematocrit and Hemoglobin vs. Arthritic Score - Anemia Association

Effects of Anti-Human IL-6 Monoclonal Antibody on CIA in Female Cynomolgus Monkeys

Results: X-Ray Score

Effects of IL-6 Receptor Blocker on CIA in Female Cynomolgus Monkeys

Results: X-Ray Score

Results: PIP Histopathology Evaluation (Toluidine Blue Staining)

Committed to quality:

  • 120,000 square feet of vivarium space.
  • Capacity to run 200+ concurrent animal studies.
  • Scientific staff average over 15 years of pharmacology experience.
  • 1000+ validated animal models of disease spanning 40+ diseases.

See why over half of the top 20 pharmaceutical companies trust PharmaLegacy to run their in vivo preclinical studies.

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PharmaLegacy & NHP: Succeeding Where Other Models Fail

There is a wide difference in clinical relevance between rodents and non-human primates when it comes to collagen-induced arthritis models. PharmaLegacy’s CIA models of human rheumatoid arthritis utilizing cynomolgus monkeys are optimized for similarities in clinical presentation, biomarkers, and practical considerations which improve study efficiency. See how in our NHP Arthritis Brochure.


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