Superior neuropathic models.

Neuropathic pain is usually caused by diseases, for instance multiple myeloma and multiple sclerosis, injuries to tissues like muscles and joints, and infections like shingles and syphilis. Another neuropathy worth mentioning in a world plagued with innumerable types of cancers is chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN), which happens to be one the most common side effects caused by antineoplastic agents.

The impact that neuropathies have on a patient’s well being might shrink in comparison to that of their comorbidities, but the majority of patients being properly treated for them reported a significant improvement in their quality of life. Refining these treatments require a thorough knowledge of different neuropathic pathologies, and an even deeper knowledge of pharmacology. This is a knowledge we take pride in at PharmaLegacy. Still having doubts? Contact us now, our representatives are available any time to answer all of your questions.

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Neuropathic Pain


Seamless pipelines:

  • Scientific staff with an average of over 15 years of experience in pharmacology
  • AAALAC accredited vivarium
  • Completed over 400 FDA / CFDA IND filings
  • Capacity to run 200+ concurrent animal studies

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