High fidelity cartilage tissue repair models.

Cartilage lacks active blood supply. This implies that any significant injury targeted at cartilages will result in delayed and slow recovery, if any. The culprits, like osteoarthritis, costochondritis, and achondroplasia can affect people of all ages and races. This makes cartilaginous injuries one of the leading causes of disability worldwide.

Diseases like that require new solutions. Solutions we can provide you with at PharmaLegacy. Get in touch with one of our experts now to get more information on our in vivo and ex vivo models.

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Cartilage Tissue Repair


Turning your expectations into reality:

  • On-site capacity for up to 350 non-human primates
  • 380,000 square feet of facility space
  • Scientific staff with an average of over 15 years of experience in pharmacology
  • Capacity to run 200+ concurrent animal studies

Setting your standards high when choosing a CRO to work with? Choose PharmaLegacy.

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