Facilitating novel antitussive drug discovery.

For the past 50 years, there have been no new approved medications for the treatment of cough, which happens to be one of the top 10 symptoms for which patients seek medical care. The development of new drugs has been hindered by multiple factors: a lack of understanding of the specific mechanisms that trigger cough as a protective reflex, the mechanisms that trigger cough in various diseases, and how both differ from each other.

Another factor that has hampered the development of new antitussive medication is the lack of validated tools that allow for better assessment of cough. At PharmaLegacy, we want that to change. Together, your pipelines and our animal models hold the promise of tomorrow’s treatments.

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There are many factors which influence the citric acid-induced cough model in guinea pigs. After extensive efforts to reduce the influence of external factors on the model, PharmaLegacy has developed a stable and reproducible citric acid-induced cough model in guinea pigs. We compared the effects of body weight, sex, volume, and time on citric acid-induced cough in guinea pigs. Under the same experimental conditions, the number of coughs in 180-220g guinea pigs was significantly higher than that in 280-320g guinea pigs. The latency of coughs in 180-220g guinea pigs was significantly shorter than that in 280-320g guinea pigs. The number of coughs in 5 L nebulization volume was significantly higher than that in 3L guinea pigs. The latency of coughs in female guinea pigs was longer than that in male guinea pigs. The time of sex and citric acid nebulization was longer than that in male guinea pigs. These effects are not obvious. Weight and nebulization volume have significant effects on the cough frequency of guinea pigs. When using citric acid to create a cough model in guinea pigs, the experimental conditions should be strictly controlled in order to achieve a reproducible study.

The capability to succeed:

  • AAALAC and CNAS guidelines-adherent animal studies
  • FDA Part 11 compliant
  • 24/7 access to PharmaLegacy representatives
  • Completed over 400 FDA / CFDA IND filings


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